Care for your Specimens!

A few simple tips to keep your framed and domed specimens in tip top shape!

  • Display in rooms void of humidity - NO bathrooms or kitchens! Humidity can cause your specimens housing to collect moisture which can result in mould or even worse - the specimens can become damp and fall apart! Keep mindful if living in areas where there is high humid or is often rainy where low air flow, humidity and sunlight combined may cause condensation which may cause mould.

  • Display out of direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause your specimen to fade.

  • MITES! The bane of all avid collectors. If you see tiny black bugs running around your frame/dome immediately place the frame/dome inside a plastic bag and put into freezer for a minimum of 72 hours then left out for a period of 7 days then repeat the freezing for 72 hours (this will then kill any remaining eggs ). Ensure your frame/dome is completely dry before placing into the freezer and dried after removing (so that mould doesn’t become your next issue!).

  • Ensure your specimens are out of reach of pets and children! We have a young gremlin of our own and know first-hand the curiosity they can have for everything they aren’t supposed to touch! Ensure if hanging to use the hanging points fixed on the frame and that the wall mount is secure and of the correct weight baring size to hold the frame.

  • Check your collection regularly for mould and mites so that any issues can be resolved quickly and hopefully before it destroys your specimen.

Wild West Reptile Ranch will assume no liability for failure to comply with the instructions above.


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